National Chamber of Industries and Commerce

Certificate of Origin

To issue Certificate of Origin (COO) Online for benefits of the Member Exporters of National Chamber of Industries and Commerce, Agra has launched an online COO issuance Portal.

The portal has eased the day-to-day hassle of exporters of obtaining COO and visiting NCIC Office every time a COO is required.

Every exporter is required to register online to avail the facility of Online COO. Once the registration form is submitted, the administrator approves the registration after verifying the credentials.

The portal also has an option of Wallet in which the exporter is able to deposit money as per their requirements and does not need to make daily deposits in the wallet. Applicable charges including GST is deducted from the wallet and exporter is also be able to view the statement of funds in the online portal.

The COO issued online also has a QR Code. On scanning the QR Code the government agencies are able to verify the authenticity of the COO issuance.